Robust, Practical & Exceptionally Good Value, Personal storage that fit seamlessly into other workspace furniture. Available in various locker options, scroll down for more details.
Model no. CB 14: 6 Lockers. Overall Dimensions (mm): 1850H x 900W x 450D
Model No. CB 13: 9 Lockers. Overall Dimensions (mm): 1850H x 900W x 400D
Model No. CB 15: 12 Lockers. Overall Dimensions (mm): 1850H x 900W x 400D
1. Fully Powder Coated
2. Fully Knock Down
3. Each Locker provided with Pad Lock
4. Each locker provided with Card Holder and circulating louvers.
6. CB 14 provided with a hangar and shelf in each locker compartment.